aperture: controls the area over which light can enter your camera
shutter speed: controls the time of the exposure
iso speed: controls the sensitivity of the cameras sensor to a given amount of light
Shutter speed determines when the sensor of the camera will open or close to incoming light from the camera lens. shutter speed refers to the amount of time the light is given to enter the camera shutter speed and exposure time are based on the same concept, where as if your shutter speed was fast your exposure time would be slowed down and vice versa. Aperture controls the space over which light can enter the camera lens. photographers have specified this term as an f-stop value, meaning as the f-stop value decreases the opening increases allowing more light to come through the lens. Iso controls the cameras light sensitivity similar to shutter speed correlating with how much the exposure either increases or deceases. unlike aperture and shutter speed most photographers prefer a lower iso speed be cause with a slower iso the less image noise is created making the photos more clear and appealing to the eye. All three of these factors work together tho create the exposure triangle which is the one thing you'll need to know how to use for those eye catching photos.
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